NMCC to host September human resources conference

10 years ago

     PRESQUE ISLE — The Northeast Society for Human Resource Management (NESHRM) will hold its 19th annual human resource conference on Thursday, Sept. 17, at Northern Maine Community College in Presque Isle.

     The conference is scheduled from 8 a.m.-3 p.m. and is designed for everyone from small businesses to large corporation, including small business owners, managers, supervisors, executives and human resource professionals.

     Lunch is provided for seminar attendees and various vendors will have displays and information available.  The registration deadline is Monday, Aug. 31.

     Conference topics will range from occupational medicine to workplace investigations, and much more.  Scheduled presenters will include Dr. Kenji Saito, occupational medicine provider with The Aroostook Medical Center, who will discuss occupational health and preventative medicine.

     Additionally, Peter Lowe, Esq., of Brann & Isaacson will give pointers on conducting workplace investigations. Julie Rabinowitz from the Maine Department of Labor will provide an update on legislative issues relating to Maine labor laws; Allan Brown, PI, chief ergonomist with MEMIC, will present “Oh My Aching Back:  The Little Things Can Make a Difference”; and Nancy Nichols with Transformations, LLC, will wrap up the day with an upbeat and informational session on organizational team development.

     NESHRM is an affiliate of the national group, Society of Human Resource Management. Local chapter meetings are generally held quarterly at 7:30 a.m. at NMCC’s Edmunds Conference Center in Presque Isle.  Visit neshrm.shrm.org for updates on upcoming meetings and events.  Meetings are open to anyone in the Aroostook County area in the HR profession.  The meeting programs and speakers address pertinent HR management and legislative issues.


     For registration and program details on the upcoming conference or for information on the local affiliate, visit neshrm.shrm.org, or email Jennifer Curran at jcurran@tempoemployment.com.