Gwen Turner Memorial Scholarship presented to Michaud

10 years ago

Gwen Turner Memorial Scholarship

presented to Michaud

The Aroostook Teen Leadership Camp each year selects a camp member to receive the “Gwen Turner Memorial Scholarship” award.

 The award is given in memory of Turner, who was the food service supervisor for the camp for over 20 years. Turner and her family prepared and served all meals to camp participants for the week.

The award is sponsored by the sons-in-law of Turner.

The recipient of the award must display the “highest level of dedication and outstanding school citizenship, as well as high moral character which other students will strive to emulate.”

The award recipient this year is Abigail Michaud of Presque Isle, who will be attending eighth grade at the Presque Isle Middle School this fall. She is the daughter of Melissa Fisher and James Michaud.