Houlton Community Golf club news

10 years ago

HOULTON, Maine — The Mens Twilite Championship Playoffs began last week and eight teams advanced to the “Great Eight Round,” including Division Winners York/Gray,  Dwyer/Pettengill,  and Marino/Avery. These teams however, have formidable opponents this week and will have to play well to advance to the Final 4 Round.

This Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 5 and 6, is the annual Babe Caron Member Guest Tournament Weekend. This year’s event will be run like last year. There will be no auction, but Win-Place-Show ParaMutual Tickets will be on sale for any and all. On Friday evening there will be a ParaMutual Purchase Party with Happy Hour drinks and food, as well as Long Drive and Pitching contests. The party is open to the public and during the evening anyone can purchase Paramutual Tickets for the team or teams of their choice. Tickets are priced from $1 and up.    Non members who are interested in playing in this popular event should call the clubhouse for details as there are members looking for guests.
Members, remember you and your guest must have an authorized handicap. Either way everyone is invited to Friday’s party, so bring a friend and come on out for a good time.
Coming up on Sunday, Sept. 13, is our ever popular Cross Country Par 3 Tournament. The event will begin at 3 p.m. on Sunday, and a sign-up sheet is on the board.  Get your foursome and sign up now, as this event will fill up fast.
Finally, for all golfers interested in a Membership for next year.(2016),  pay your membership fee Sept. 1 of this year ($325 for a new member) and you can play the rest of this year as well.  What a deal. Regular members pay this years fee and be guaranteed no increase for next year.