To the editor:
I am writing this letter to encourage all citizens of Stockholm, Limestone and Caribou to attend the public meeting in their respectful town/city to listen to the proposed new school project for the city of Caribou. This is very important and you need to attend to understand what is going on and ask questions.
I have been attending School Board and Building Committee meetings on this subject since the beginning of May. I have expressed my concerns in these meetings pertaining to the process of this project. This is developing into a multimillion-dollar project and one of the biggest to happen in the City of Caribou in many, many years.
When I have attended these meetings, which are open to the public, I have been the only citizen there. This leads me to believe that the majority of the citizens within these three communities are not even aware that this project is happening. This concerns me and is all the more reason that everyone needs to attend the public meetings and ask questions.
For more information on this subject please go to the RSU 39 website and click on the Building Project tab. There are multiple postings listed. Please go through them and read all the information. It is rather interesting reading with a lot of information. This will make you more prepared for the public meetings.
I want to make everyone aware as to what is going on concerning this project.