HOULTON, Maine — There is a saying that all good things must come to an end; however, in the case of the Health Services Foundation’s annual Diamond Raffle, that is clearly not the case.
Despite the closure of Goodrich Jewelry in Houlton, which had been the supplier of diamond goods to raffle since its inception, the raffle will continue for the 15th year thanks to the ongoing generosity of former shop owner Walter Goodrich.
“With Goodrich Jewelry closing and the last of the diamonds gone from the store we thought last year would be the final time to hold this event,” said Elizabeth Dulin, executive director of the Health Services Foundation. “We are very excited to report that this wonderful event will continue after all when the Foundation office recently contacted Walter to ask if he could still help us. He was really pleased to be asked and we will be working together as always, even though a little more distance is involved.”
This fundraiser has been so successful and assisted the Foundation with its ability to bring so much to the local area in support of local health care over the years.
“We felt if there was any way possible we could continue the diamond raffle we wanted to do so and having Walter participating again for us is a big win for our fundraising efforts,” Dulin said. “The ring design has been chosen and now we are working on what/how many other prizes will be offered, as we are looking to add some rather innovative pieces to appeal to a wider audience. We all know what Great Stocking Stuffers these tickets are, and don’t want you to miss out.”
Current Foundation fundraising is focusing on a three phased $350,000 broad-based campaign. Phase One for approximately $130,000, will provide a coagulation system for the laboratory, Fuji “PACS” software. an upgrade for radiology and a dictation system upgrade for the medical records department.
Phases Two and Three will address acute care, ambulatory surgery, cardiac rehab, dietary, emergency room, labor and delivery, nursing education, operating room and physical/occupational therapy. In all, 24 items for 12 departments will replace aging equipment, provide necessary upgrades to existing pieces and provide for nursing education.
For more information or to make a donation to a Foundation project/program, call 521-2147 or visit www.healthservicesfoundation.org.