Community Notebook

9 years ago

Island Falls Seniors

The Island Falls Senior Citizens met at the municipal building Oct. 15 with 12 members and two lunch guests present. After our usual potluck luncheon, our business meeting was opened by vice president Darrell Hartin. The formalities of Lord’s Prayer, flag salute and secretary and treasurer’s reports were completed.

As there was no business to act on, we adjourned and played several games of Bingo with Sherry Hartin as the big winner of the day.

Members present were; Paige Coville, Darrell and Sherry Hartin, Jeanne Clements, Ellie Peck, Louise Butcher, Verna Boone, Mary Pipes, Edith Dwyer, Gloria Noyes, Mary Lawler and Terry Dwyer. Lunch guests were Patti Hartin and Jutta Beyer.

Our next meeting will be Nov. 5, and we will play “The Game.” All seniors are welcome, and we always accept new members. For information, call any member.

Island Falls Notes

Joyce and Diane Curry have recently spent a week at Vacationland Estates and while here visited with many friends and relatives, both here and in Houlton, and I’m sure they had a great time as the weather was quite nice, and the fall foliage was just about at its peak.

They opted not to stay at the Curry homestead this visit as they had planned to winterize the home for the coming winter months. They have since returned to their home in Portland and, no doubt, already are looking forward to spring and another trip home.

Whittier Congregational Church will have their annual fall sale Saturday, Oct. 31, and have already placed scarecrows in different locations in town to herald the event. There will be many tables full of everything for this rummage sale and one table will be reserved for the good home-baked foods baked by the ladies of the church. There will be a basket to be raffled off that will hold all the fixings for a great Thanksgiving dinner and the basket will also hold a ticket that, when presented to Jerry’s store, will get the lucky raffle winner, a fat, juicy turkey to be cooked for Thanksgiving.

I watched the other day as a lean-looking gray squirrel was into my feeders gobbling all the bird seed he could. He had probably eaten all his winter store of seeds and needed more.

I still have the chickadees arriving, and the other day had a blue jay — first one so far — but imagine they will arrive in twos and threes before long. The red squirrel hasn’t been back for awhile so his winter supply must still be plentiful.

I had a fine time the other night watching two young deer and their mother out in my vast backyard. The young ones were really having a great time running and leaping and chasing one another. They leap so high and are so graceful it is a joy to watch them. They were all there for about an hour, and even the mother joined in a bit to play with them and then suddenly, they all stopped; ears went up, heads were alert and watching then — whoosh — off they all went into the woods as something alarmed them. Hope they keep coming back.

Purple Hat Ladies

The Purple Hat ladies met at Grammy’s in Linneus for their October meeting. Name tags were distributed by Marsha Reed and Betty Wyman. Wannetta Townsend asked the blessing on the food.

Cindy Gray acknowledged the October birthdays. Happy birthday to each one. Where to meet in November was discussed and more info on that will be available soon. Each member introduced themselves with their Halloween name.

A scary Halloween story was composed and will be finished at the next meeting.

Verna Boone and Marsha Reed were the winners of the drawing of the month. Members were made aware of several scams that are going on in this area over the phone. All were urged to be aware of who they are talking to and not to give out your personal information to anyone.

Denise Clark and Marie Gillotti were the brave members to come “in costume” and they were awarded a prize for doing this.

Attending were: Wannetta Townsend, Cindy Gray, Delores Locke, Verna Boone, Mildred Gagnon, Bernice Campbell, Marie Gillotti, Joanne Scott, Alma Clark, Denise Clark, Ursula Levesque, Arlene Friel, Sandy Wyman, Marsha Reed, Betty Wyman and Charlotte Marley.

The next meeting will be Nov. 10.

Town and Country Seniors

The Town and Country Seniors of Houlton meet the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month for a potluck lunch, a time of fellowship together, and to share information about topics of interest for the senior community, and invite other seniors in the area to join them.

On Tuesday, Oct. 13, Leigh and Sandy Cummings were special guests. Leigh Cummings, who is director of the Aroostook County Historical and Art Museum in Houlton, spoke to the group about the history of the Salem witch trials.

The next meeting will be on Tuesday, Oct. 27 at 12 noon at the Gentle Memorial Building in Houlton, downstairs in the kitchen dining area. There will be lunch and a discussion regarding changes to Medicare.

For more information about Houlton’s Town and Country Seniors, call 694-4546.

Happy Losers
By Shirley Sides

The weight group called The Happy Losers held their weekly meeting Oct.14.

The leader welcomed the members, followed by the pledge and roll call. Ten members weighed in and attended the meeting.

The person who lost the most weight for the week was Lois Green. and runner-up was Jackie Pratt. Great job, ladies. Weight loss for the week was excellent; this writer guesses they are serious about losing weight.

Reports for the week were given by the secretary, Shirley Sides, and the treasurer, Dotty Rand.

Joan Sides led the program for the week. The topic was on an article and questions about pumpkins. Did you know pumpkins are a fruit? It was very interesting and informative.

All are welcome to the group, which meets every Wednesday at the United Baptist Church vestry in Island Falls. Weigh-in is from 8-8:30 a.m., with the meeting starting at 8:30.