Senior housing bond
To the editor:
As a provider and developer of affordable housing, the Housing Authority of Fort Fairfield would like to bring to the Maine voter’s attention the following facts:
Maine is the oldest state in the nation. We have many seniors who are struggling to maintain safe, affordable homes. A recent study identified 9,000 seniors who lack access to such homes. Thousands of Maine seniors, after a lifetime of hard work, are wondering how they can afford to pay the rent or maintain their home.
Fortunately, Maine people can take action to provide seniors with safe and efficient homes they can afford. On November 3rd, Maine voters can support a $15 million Senior Affordable Housing Bond – Question #2. The bond will provide for the construction of 225 such homes. The bonds will leverage more than $20 million in private investment to construct homes. Seniors will pay an affordable portion of their income as rent.
This initiative will ultimately benefit all of Maine. Affordable homes will be constructed throughout the state. The construction process will generate work for Maine construction workers, engineers, and architects, work the construction industry needs as it slowly emerges from the Great Recession. Construction employment in Maine has still not returned to its 2006 level.
A portion of the bond will be devoted to home repair and weatherization, allowing other seniors to remain in their own homes. Those improvements will delay or prevent the transfer of residents to other more expensive care. Municipalities will benefit because all new homes will pay property taxes.
Please vote “Yes” on Question #2!
Wayne E. Troicke,
executive director