Important information about Ashland drinking water

9 years ago

Important information about Ashland drinking water

    To the editor:
Our water system violated a drinking water standard. Although this is not an emergency, as our customers, you have a right to know what happened, what you should do, and what we are doing to correct this situation.

We routinely monitor for the presence of drinking water contaminants. Testing results we received in November 2014 and June 2015 show that our system exceeded the standard, or action level (AL), for copper. The standard for copper is 1.3 milligrams per liter. The concentration of copper in sampling conducted in November 2014 was 2.67 milligrams per liter and the concentration of copper in sampling conducted in June 2015 was 1.6 milligrams per liter.
You do not need to use an alternative (e.g., bottled) water supply. However, if you have specific health concerns, consult your doctor. This is not an immediate risk. If it had been, you would have been notified immediately.
Copper is an essential nutrient, but some people who drink water containing copper in excess of the action level over a relatively short amount of time could experience gastrointestinal distress. Some people who drink water containing copper in excess of the action level over many years could suffer liver or kidney damage. People with Wilson’s disease should consult their personal doctor.
Ashland Water & Sewer District is in the final stages of installing a Lowry Aeration System to resolve issues with corrosion (copper). This system should be up and running before the end of the year (December 2015).
For more information concerning this notification please call Ashland Water & Sewer District is 435-2223.

Sharon Everett