Mayflower Colony announces essay contest
The Constance Hopkins Colony of the Maine Mayflower Society met Oct. 10, 2015 at the United Methodist Church in Mars Hill and discussed holding an essay contest for Aroostook County youth in grades 6 through 8.
The Mayflower Society, open to anyone descended from one of the Pilgrims of the Mayflower, celebrates the heritage and encourages the education of youth about the Pilgrims and their significance in American history.
Youth can choose to write about any Pilgrim from the Mayflower, giving background information and events in this person’s life. Youth in the sixth grade will be expected to write at least 350 words, while seventh- and eighth-graders should have a minimum of 500 words. The Colony will offer three cash prizes for the best essays. First prize is $50, second prize is $35, and third is $15. Finalists will be invited to the Colony’s spring meeting on June 4, 2016 to read their essays and receive their prizes.
The essay will be written and submitted by Jan. 15, 2016 to David Donovan, 301 Libby Road, Caswell, ME 04750, or emailed to
The Oct. 10 meeting was attending by Maine Mayflower Governor Carla Rigby of York who spoke with members about her family connections with Aroostook County, her Pilgrim ancestors and her life work. Member Ann Cushman of Presque Isle presented an overview of the life of Pilgrim Isaac Allerton, and the Colony agreed to donate a copy of the book, “Henry Samson, Vol. 20, part 2”, to the Mark and Emily Turner Library in memory of Donald Sprague.
Those attending enjoyed a chicken pie dinner provided by members.
Persons who are interested in the Mayflower Society and pursuing their lineage are invited to the Constance Hopkins Colony meetings.