We had potluck on Wednesday assisted by Charlene, our liaison. We had a variety of food, pickled beets, delicious stew provided by Charlene, casseroles, rolls, beans, sodas, tea, coffee, cream puffs, meatballs, lasagna, chicken and many more dishes. Many tenants stayed and socialized and that’s what it is all about.
Lavina Byron has pictures of her great-grandsons on her door for all to see. The twin boys’ names are Beckham and Bentley; they are growing fast and I can see a change, but still beautiful boys. Lavina’s plant is in the lobby by the elevator — Christmas cactus with blossoms and buds. Mine has not blossomed yet but when it does, watch out. The plant is very large.
Ruthie, sister of Shirley Nason, is moving to Four Seasons. Ruthie is a delight to know, and we will miss her.
Caroline Folsom, my kind neighbor, had dinner in Monticello with relatives and friends. Caroline reports about 12 were at the family gathering counting babies and all. Greatest gift is family.
For relatives who were not able to get together, let us give thanks to St. Mary of the Visitation Church and volunteers for supplying me with a delicious dinner, and a volunteer from Madigan Apartments brought it to me. Now thanks to all who worked so hard to bring this meal to me.
Speaking of meals, the American Legion on Bangor Road supplied us with a Thanksgiving dinner, too, last Sunday. A friend brought the meal to me and I am very grateful. Again, thanks are in order.
Denise Hitchcock, Barbara Watson and Thomas Suitter carried or brought from the first floor to the third floor belongings of Bonnie Lukehartj to help when she returns to Ricker Plaza. On the third floor was a handicapped apartment which Bonnie will need. Bonnie had part of her leg amputated plus her foot because of infection. She went from Houlton Regional Hospital to Eastern Maine and now is in an Orono (I believe) facility where she will obtain the rehabilitation she needs. We all wish Bonnie well and we will see her soon.
Had a nice note in the mail from one of my friends. You know who you are and I thank you. A nice note is what we need sometimes to cheer us up. Thank you for remembering me.
Winnie Briggs of Military Apartments is confined to her apartment because of illness. We will be glad to see you, Winnie, when you are better.
Also, Alfreda Albert, who lives near the high school, is home now and able to be up and about. Good to hear you are home, friend, as you have had a long haul. Our best wishes to you.
About angels: “A single grateful thought towards heaven is the most complete prayer.” (Gotthold Ephraim Lexing)
My closing is from Ecclesiastes 3:1 “To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heaven.”
Have a healthy and joyous week.