HOULTON, Maine — The Maine Soil and Water Conservation Districts (SWCDs) are conducting an assessment of local natural resource priorities and need your help.
To gather this information, districts are distributing a statewide online survey and holding public meetings to document natural resource concerns to help prioritize issues. Information gathered from the survey and meetings will inform state and local natural resource programs and funding opportunities in the coming five year cycle.
The Natural Resources Assessment is being conducted in cooperation with USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service and is a great opportunity for the general public to share their conservation and environmental priorities by completing the survey or by being a part of the public meeting discussion. The Southern Aroostook SWCD will be holding its public meeting on Thursday, Feb. 25, 2016 from 6-8 p.m. at Houlton High School, room 34.
To encourage participation in the public process, the Southern Aroostook SWCD will enter everyone who completes a survey or attends the Feb. 25 meeting in a drawing for a $50 cash prize. The survey may be accessed online at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/JQ5GPL5 or by requesting a paper copy from the Southern Aroostook SWCD at 532-2087 x101. Maine SWCDs encourage all citizens to be a part of the information gathering process for this Natural Resources Assessment.
USDA-NRCS and Maine Association of Conservation Districts are equal opportunity providers and employers. For more information about the Natural Resources Assessment, please contact the SASWCD at 532-2087 x101.