This week has certainly been a good one for The County as most areas picked up about 3-10 inches of new powder. Snow was on the very fluffy side, but it still helped out the projects as most of them have been grooming almost every night.
This is the beginning of school vacation week and we should be seeing a lot of traffic on the trails, so please ride right and pay attention to intersections.
Most clubs are reporting very good conditions all over the crown, while a few sections on the eastern side have reported that the fields could use more cover. Please use caution when riding over agricultural land; there might be a rock or two.
There is still ice being reported on the trails so remember this when coming into a turn — the new snow has covered most of it. Deer have still been reported in the Caribou and Washburn area of ITS 83. Moose have been reported on Trail 94 in the Cyr Plantation area. Check out for the most up-to-date conditions for this neck of the woods.
Trail info
ITS 85: There are logging operations throughout this section of trail. Ashland’s section is going the old way and between Portage and Eagle Lake there are numerous roads that have been plowed, due to logging. Fort Kent, Frenchville and Madawaska are reporting very good conditions. Oxbow is reporting very good conditions and has been grooming all week. Shin Pond has groomed their section of 85 to Camp Violette Road and to 71D intersection. They also have been grooming on a regular basis and are reporting very good conditions. 71D is groomed and Grand lake Seboeis is marked and safe to cross.
ITS 83: This trail is shaping up real nice with all projects able to groom. Presque Isle has been down to the Presque Isle stream and it is safe to cross. Caribou has groomed their section in the Thibodeau Road and Fowler Road section; it is still a little rough. Use 83B as an alternate.
ITS 81: This trail has a lot of fields in the central part of The County and they have been fighting with limited snow conditions all season long. They will do what they can. In Van Buren there is a logging operation as you travel north of Ouellette’s Trading Post. Madawaska is reporting good conditions on their section.
ITS 85/81: From Masardis to the connection with Patten/Shin Pond, clubs are in good shape. Riders, please use caution south of Owlsboro Road north of Patten. Look for signs; this is due to the ice bridge failing. The fields in the eastern section of The County are a little bare so please use caution.
ITS 86: Houlton and Oxbow are reporting this trail is in very good condition.
ITS 92: From Fort Kent to St. Francis through to Allagash is in great shape. Trail 92A to Carter Brook is groomed and in very good condition. 92B, also known as the Lincoln trail, will not be open this year.
ITS 90: Portage is reporting their section is in great condition. Caribou is still not going all the way to 105 from town due to logging; they have groomed to the 87 intersection (also known as the Alaska to Maine Sign) and have come in from the trail 88 section to the woods. The remainder of 90 through Caribou and Fort Fairfield is in good shape. Some of the woods sections are still in need of snow.
ITS 88: All of this trail has been groomed since the new snow and projects are reporting good conditions. Presque Isle’s section of 88, known as the CP line, is in much better condition since the snow.
ITS 105: From Mapleton all the way to Van Buren has been done and is in good shape. Trail 105 from Houlton South is in good shape. Van Buren, New Sweden and Washburn have been grooming this day and night.
ITS 120: The logging operation seems to be done and the trail from Allagash to Eagle Lake is in very good condition.
Rt. 89: The river in Caribou is now safe for snowmobiles to cross; Caribou has opened all the way to trail 100. There is about a 1.5 mile section that did not get done due to a beaver dam; sleds are safe to cross, but not the groomer.
Rt. 100: Caswell has met up with Limestone all the way to the intersection of Trail 94. Van Buren has been out and reporting good conditions. The old 100 trail that meets up with Caribou’s Trail 89 has been groomed.
Trail 71-D: The lake crossing has not been officially marked or checked. Sledders have been crossing for a week with no issues, and this will be the only trail connection to Libby’s Camps from the north this year. The trail used last year on the Oxbow Road is plowed and snowmobiles should stay off.
Trail 71-A: From Oxbow to Ashland on the west side of the Aroostook River, the river has been marked and has 6-plus inches of ice. Please stay where it is marked. Ashland will be out once the temps drop. This may be a better choice to travel between Oxbow and Ashland at this time. The route is different than last year so follow the new signs. All of the Oxbow local trails have been groomed and are in very good condition.
Easton has been out and are reporting that the fields do not have a lot of cover, so please proceed with caution. All other trails in the Easton area are groomed and in good condition.
Chapman Ridge Runners have been out and are reporting good conditions.
Trail 81 in New Sweden has been groomed and is in good condition. Watch for signs; there is a new trail access for North Star Variety.
On the Social Side
Oxbow: Fundraising breakfast this Saturday, Feb. 13, 8-11 a.m. at the Homestead Lodge in Oxbow on ITS 85.
St. Francis Sno Angels: Saturday meals at the clubhouse, 11-7.
Presque Isle: Friday night stews at the clubhouse.
Washburn Trailrunner’s clubhouse open Saturday 7-2 and Sunday 7-12. Open at 7 a.m. every day during school vacation week.
Mars Hill: Pizza at the clubhouse Feb. 21 from 12-4 p.m.
Pleasant Ridge Riders of Caswell: Spaghetti dinner March 5 from 4-6:30, $8 for adults, $4 for children. Club ride March 19, meeting at the clubhouse at 9 a.m. and traveling to Lakeview.
Eagle Lake: Snow drag races Feb. 20 on the Convent Road.
Fort Fairfield Snowmobile Club: Breakfast at their clubhouse, located on ITS 81 off the Strickland Road, Feb. 14.
Houlton: Breakfast every Saturday at the clubhouse, 6-9.