The Island Falls Senior Citizens met at the municipal building on Feb. 18 with 11 members attending.
We had an excellent assortment of casseroles, salads and desserts to satisfy every palate.
Following lunch, the meeting was opened by the president, Rich Camire. The meeting was brief, and following the adjournment the group played several games of Bingo with Verna Boone emerging as the big winner of the day.
Members present were Jeanne Clements, Ellie Peck, Ursula Levesque, Verna Boone, Louise Butcher, Rich Camire, Marilyn Noyes, Edith Dwyer, Darrell Hartin, Mary Pipes and Terry Dwyer.
The next meeting will occur on March 4, and members will play the bag game. An invitation is always extended to any senior who would like to visit or join the group.