HOULTON — The Houlton Rotary Club met for their luncheon meeting on Monday, March 7. Rotarian Kati Hill hosted guest speaker Rotarian Tammie Mulvey.
Mulvey’s subject was the Council on International Education Exchange or CIEE. Mulvey moved to the area in 1987 and she has worked at a variety of jobs from waitressing to insurance sales. Now she is employed by the Community Health and Counseling Service and also owns Pleasant View Tree Farm with her husband Rob Mulvey.
She became interested in the student exchange program when a fellow Rotarian asked if anyone would like to host a student. A background check is required for anyone who would like to be a host. The program is open to couples or single people.
Tammie and Rob first hosted a student from Germany named Anna. Anna was from an urban area and had difficulty with the rural environment of northern Maine. Anna was accustomed to more freedoms than are allowed in this area and she ended up leaving early, but she still communicates with the Mulveys.
Their second student is Gao from Thailand. She is a Buddhist now living in a Christian household but as an only child is very comfortable with the Mulveys.
Some struggles that exchange students face are the cultural differences, homesickness, schedule adjustments, such as Gao adjusting to the school year. In Thailand students attend school year round.
Mulvey has been asked by CIEE to be the coordinator for Aroostook County. This job would involve giving support to the students and the host families.
Ten-month and five-month programs are available for anyone who would like to be involved. Benefits of the program are creating bonds for life between the host family and the exchange student. Another Rotarian who has been involved in the exchange with five different students has attended weddings in South America and plans a visit to another student in Ireland soon to meet his wife and child.