Local sorority meets

9 years ago

Local sorority meets

Maine Epsilon Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi met on March 19, 2016 at the home of Bonnie Cowett.

Brunch was served by Lucy Adams, Betsy Fitzherbert and Cathy Walton. Guest Mavis Towle from Fort Fairfield was welcomed. She, Barbara News and President Dolores Hutchins have been members of Beta Sigma Phi for 61 years.
President Dolores called the business meeting to order. A thank-you note for the recent donation to the Francis Malcolm Institute was read. They will soon be introducing their new digital projection system in the planetarium to the public.
Plans for the Founder’s Day banquet planned April 28 in Fort Fairfield were discussed.
Judy Kenney discussed the upcoming Women’s Health Conference to be held on April 9, sponsored by Maine Agri-Women and The Aroostook Medical Center. The guest speaker will be Lucy Richard and tickets can be purchased from TAMC online.
Happy dollars were shared and the 50-50 raffle was won by Ellen Helstrom. Honey Higgins brought her famous peanut butter balls for all to enjoy. Members brought items for Easter baskets to be given to children at the Sister Mary O’Donnell homeless shelter.
The Exemplar Ritual was held for Nancy Nichols and Pam Palm, and the Laureate Ritual was held for Peggy Erwin. All were presented with certificates, pins and yellow roses.
The next meeting will be breakfast on April 16th at 9:30 at the Presque Isle Inn and Convention Center.