By Riva Hawkes
On March 19, 2016 John Stevens, Riva Hawkes and Barbara Pelletier were volunteers at the Upper Room at Sherman, where they waited on the many people who came in to get great bargains as it was “fill a bag for a dollar” day, and many a bag filled to the brim was taken home.
The weather really cooperated on this Saturday and what little snow that was on the roads soon was melted away.
Mr. and Mrs Almon Townsend arrived from Houlton recently for a visit with Charlene Webb and also to enjoy a friendly evening of conversation following a baked ham dinner, which was followed by a slice of homemade carrot cake.
I still have great flocks of finch at my feeders and they have been joined lately by the arrival of several nuthatches. The little red squirrel is having quite a time with attempting to get at the feeders despite the arrival of the big gray squirrel. It seems that the big gray dominates the whole area and thus frustrates the smaller squirrels as they dash here and there–up onto a tree limb and then into a feeder before the big gray gets there.
The cardinals are still arriving regularly, but usually about 6:45 a.m. and then again in early evening. They calmly sit on a branch, watch the activities of the chickadees and all, then decide to eat and sit on the rim of the feeder enjoying their fill, completely ignoring the smaller birds, buzzing about them.
I still have deer coming to my backyard, but only three now. The other morning, about 6:30, there were three on my front lawn and then they slowly drifted away down back where they stopped to graze under some trees. The bread and apples soon disappear when they arrive and that sort of frustrates the big crows who are always around to pick up bread crumbs.
I have seen neighbor Fred’s big cat around lately, checking out her territory for any moles or an unlucky bird.