PROBUS Club meets

9 years ago

PROBUS Club meets

The PROBUS Club of Aroostook held its monthly meeting at Northern Maine Community College March 17, 2016.

Dana Crory, president, called the meeting to order at 10 a.m. Special guests were Jerry Joles and wife, Ginny, PROBUS program chairperson. They are both local NRA instructors.
They gave tips on safety. The single most important step towards ensuring safety is having a personal safety strategy in place before you need it, they said. They stressed the need to be alerted to dangerous situations and to avoid becoming a victim. They covered many aspects of safety including at home, outside of the home and in a vehicle.
Subjects discussed: Safety is not always convenient, practice good safety habits, stay alert and aware of surroundings, and four A’s: alertness, awareness, avoidance and action. They gave thought-provoking situations and talked about the importance of proactively developing a crime prevention and personal safety plan and refusing to be a victim.
The secretary’s and treasurer’s reports were accepted as read.
Janet Snow read an article from Martha Beck’s book entitled “Hurts So Good.”
The next PROBUS meeting will be held April 21 at NMCC’s Reed Commons at 10 a.m.