The Aroostook Amateur Radio Association

9 years ago
ARSHPTSJ AMATEURRADIO 13 16 17366772Contributed photo/Tammy Deschesne
THE AROOSTOOK AMATEUR RADIO ASSOCIATION, a regional club that meets the first Thursday of every month (except July-August) at the Presque Isle Library, recently elected its 2016 slate of officers. They are, from left,David Deschesne, KB1EBG, secretary; Roy Woods, KB1WGN, vice president; Dennis Bosley, W1URS, tech advisor; Ivan Shapiro, WK1W, president; Boyd Spencer, KC1DRX, safety officer; Steve Sandelier, N1NXU, treasurer; Jim Cerrato, KC5UEQ, public information officer. For more information about amateur (i.e. Ham) radio or the local club, visit the AARA’s website,