We ushered in Spring in fine fashion with an outing to Grammy’s in Linneus on May 5. Everyone agreed that the portions as well as the quality of the food were more than adequate. Nearly everyone ate their fill and took home a box of food for later consumption.
An anonymous donor provided a beautiful floral arrangement from the Briar Patch as a timely gift to one of our ladies for Mother’s Day. Four Shriner clowns, in full costume and makeup, were dining in the rear dining room, as was our party, and volunteered a hat for our entries for the arrangement. That clown also drew the winning ticket, which belonged to Louise Butcher.
The 21 members present were Rich Camire, Louise Butcher, Barney and Marcie Coursey, Edith Dwyer, Ellie Peck, Verna Boone, Dennis Boone, Ursula Levesque, Jeanne Clements, Mary Pipes, Leon Botting, Paige Coville, Donna Baker, Darrell and Sherry Hartin, Marilyn Noyes Claudette Dietrick, Darlene Hartin, Mary Lawler and Terry Dwyer.
Our next meeting will occur on May 19, and we will play Bingo. We always welcome new members. Just show up at 11:30 and meet a very welcoming group of individuals. We will also play Bingo at this meeting.