Young Authors Institute takes place in P.I.

9 years ago

PRESQUE ISLE, Maine — It was standing room only at the University of Maine at Presque Isle’s Campus Center when young writers, teachers, parents and supporters gathered for the annual Young Authors Institute.

Sponsored by Aroostook Right to Read, the May 6, 2016 event marked the release of an anthology containing the works of student writers in grades 4-8 from all over Aroostook County. After the main program, students were able to engage in a variety of workshops focusing on different aspects of writing.

Angela Kelley, AR2R president, welcomed the crowd and said since its formation in 1978, the organization’s goal has been to promote reading — and writing — across the curriculum. Remarks were also given by UMPI President Linda Schott.

Betsy Allen, grade 5-6 teacher at the Fort St. Elementary School in Mars Hill, and Lori McQuade, English/language arts teacher for grades 4-6 at Easton Elementary School, presented the 2016 Literacy Award to Betsy York, Easton Elementary’s librarian.

Keynote speaker Josh Alves, a Maine illustrator and writer of children’s books and graphic novels, presented an interactive message on keys to cultivating creativity. He urged the young writers to value collaboration with other writers, to have a vibrant sense of curiosity, and to employ constraint in their writing.

“You’re encouraged to think outside the box,” he said, “but you’ve got to know what the box is.”

Alves referred to comparison as a killer of creativity. “You say, ‘Oh, my thing isn’t as good as their thing’ — but you can reverse that with the word ‘yet’,” he said. “Say, ‘It isn’t as good — yet.’”

A one-time comics section employee at the Bangor Daily News, Alves credited his wife with encouraging him to change careers, focusing on what he had always loved: artwork and creating stories. He draws inspiration from his daughters, he added, explaining one of his characters has blue hair on the advice of one of the girls.

He offered humorous anecdotes about his writing career, and shared excerpts of some of his upcoming projects, including an interactive book/online activity called “The Moonstone Chronicles.”

Alves fielded questions and then led the audience in a round of applause for teachers.

Following the keynote address, each school district’s writers and accompanying teachers were recognized and presented with the 2016 Young Authors Anthologies.

A special presentation of a framed print of the cover image was made to the artist, Kennedy Ashby, an eighth-grade student at Valley Rivers Middle School in Fort Kent. Students from throughout The County submitted their artwork, with Ashby’s water and forest scene chosen as the winner.

Young Authors from Mill Pond School in Hodgdon are: grade four, Faith Howland and Jaydin Jones; fifth-grader Hope Howland; sixth grade, Kaelyn Lawlor, Jeremiah Goff, Matthew Lufkin and Walker Oliver; and eighth-grader Katherine Berube.

Students attending from Southern Aroostook Community School in Dyer Brook are: Bailey Vose, grade four; fifth-graders Callie Russell and Camden Porter; sixth-graders Jordyn Legassey and H’elia Cabral; Alexis Noyes and Emma Nadeau, grade seven; and grade eight, Abigail Stevens and Alexa Merry.

Representing Katahdin Elementary School in Stacyville are: grade four, Dharma Roy, Samuel Walker, Hunter Hartsgrove and Raymond McGraw; and fifth-graders Autumn McGraw, Jeffery Martin and Melanie Craig.