Bowling leagues come to a close

9 years ago

PRESQUE ISLE, Maine — Rolloffs were held recently at Northern Lanes to determine playoff champions in the bowling leagues.

Aroosta Cast, the third seed, took the title in the Monday night National League. Their score of 3,034 was tops, followed by No. 1 Pizza Box with 2,966 and sixth-seeded JP Market and Deli with 2,947. Mike’s Family Market took fourth with 2,890, with Rob’s Pit Stop in fifth with 2,868 and Star City in sixth with 2,818.
In the Tuesday Atlantic League, fourth-ranked Bessey’s Bowlers beat No. 6 Parson Street Redemption Center in the finals, 1,758-1717. Bessey’s had beaten Hafford’s Property and Maintenance in one semifinal, 1,691-1,618, while Parsons Street Redemption Center scored a 1,638-1,600 victory over DNA in the other.
In the American League, held Wednesdays, Eagle Hill was the top seed and bested No. 2 Dean’s Motor Lodge in the finals, 1,464-1,377. Eagle Hill beat Northern Auto Body, 1,457-1,365, to reach the championship, while Dean’s topped Steaks ‘’n Stuff, 1,356-1,328.
The Thursday night Independent League saw No. 1 Trombley’s defeat No. 2 TAMC, 1,863-1,771, in the finals. Trombley’s had a score of 1,895 to overtake PI Elks 2 in one semi, 1,895-1,750. TAMC advanced by beating PI Elks 1, 1,835-1,721.
The Yo Yo’s, seeded second in the Sunday Night Mixed Doubles League, ousted the No. 4 River Rats for the victory, 1,395-1,323.
The Yo Yo’s beat the Alley Gators, 1,411-1,267, and the River Rates edged past MKSB, 1,417-1,411.
The overall highs in all the rolloffs were: high single, National League, Zane Grant Sr., 153; Atlantic League, Kim Sue Leavitt, 140; American League, Terry Grant, 170; Independent League, Larry Pulficur, 155; and Mixed Doubles, Craig Trombley, 141; and Norma LaFrance, 117.
High totals went to the following: National League, Michael Lee, 629; Atlantic League, Leavitt, 354; American League, Terry Grant, 534; Independent League, Pulcifur, 425; and Mixed Doubles, Jim Kennedy, 380; and LaFrance, 310.