RSU 39 voters OK $18M budget

9 years ago

Mill rate will rise by .12

    CARIBOU, Maine — A budget totalling $18,088,386 was recently approved by voters of Caribou, Limestone, and Stockholm for Regional School Unit 39 last Wednesday. Superintendent Tim Doak cites the budget’s rise as a result of drastic cuts that came from the state’s EPS funding formula, adding that the communities’ mill rate will go up .12 from 9.53 to 9.65.

     Voters approved the proposed budgets for all 11 cost centers within the overall budget as well as three articles to raise funds and the authorization to spend the budget.

     Though all items were passed and the meeting only lasted about 40 minutes, local resident Bruce Hagelstein questioned price increases within most cost centers, asking the board to clarify the need for more funds in specific areas.

     “The line item for supplies goes from $159,404 to $295,797, an increase of over $136,000. Why is this?” Hagelstein asked regarding Student and Staff Support, which was approved for $1,760,110.

     “Most of that increase is for our one-to-one program for technology,” said Doak, “as well as school nurse supplies.”

     The one-to-one program will provide high-schoolers with a Chromebook: a laptop that allows students to access the Internet, research, and write papers for school assignments.

     Hagelstein also questioned the $6,500 supplies increase for the School Administration budget, which totals $744,838.

     “Last fall, when we started school we had to discontinue a graphic arts program that made our envelopes and business cards necessary for the main office,” said Doak. “When the program ended, we no longer had those materials, so we hadto purchase materials to keep business running. We knew that was going to be an increase, and hope to get the graphic arts program back.”

     All votes were taken by a show of hands with the exception of additional local funds, in which the board accepted written votes. The Board of Directors recommendation of $536,702 in additional local funds was approved by voters.

     Other cost center totals include $6,496,341 for regular instruction, $2,124,741 for special education, $1,760,170 for career and technical education, $664,628 for other instruction, $647,184 for system administration, $940,908 for transportation and buses, $2,837,009 for facilities maintenance, and $112,457 for other expenditures.

     Moving ahead, voters will be able to officially approve the RSU 39 budget during the Tuesday, June 14, 2016 referendum. Caribou voters will be able to vote at the Wellness Center from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Limestone voters will be able to vote at their town office within the same time frame. Stockholm residents can vote on the budget in their town office from noon to 6 p.m..