9 years ago

The weekly TOPS meeting was held at the Aldergate building located on Kelleran Street in Houlton. There were 11 TOPS members and two KOPS members present.

The loser of the week was Mildred Gagnon and the runner-up was Janette Nelson. The skinny dish was held over for the next week.

The workshop scheduled for June 4 was rescheduled for June 18 at the Court Street Baptist Church, Houlton. Registration will start at 9 a.m. Members are looking forward to meeting with other area chapters.

Brenda Lacostic presented a program on “My TOPS Salad Plate.” This included ideas on making a salad delicious and colorful, and was very interesting.

All are welcome to join. For information call Pam Richardson at 538-8760.