Legislator endorses Long for State Senate

9 years ago

To the editor:

On June 14th of this year the citizens of Houlton, Presque Isle and surrounding towns will have the opportunity to vote in a primary election to choose a person for State Senator to represent them at the State Legislature in Augusta.

Rep. Ricky Long, a logger from Sherman, has already represented you in Augusta for six years. By the very fact that he stands as a logger in the woods of northern Maine defines him as a person who is well accustomed to hard work and long hours. He is fully aware of the toil and sweat needed to operate a business, maintain the equipment, meeting deadlines and fulfilling the obligations of contract agreements.

Rep. Ricky Long grew up in this area and can relate to the problems faced by the working men and women of Aroostook County. After graduating from high school, Ricky went directly into the workforce. He learned from a very young age the value of common sense and hard work.

However, and more importantly, I served with Ricky Long for four years in the Maine State House of Representatives and I can tell you that there is another side to Ricky Long. He is a profound thinker that is blessed with a great amount of common sense. Rep. Long has an analytical mind that can quickly evaluate a bill or issue and determine both the benefits and positive parts as well as the unintended consequences that the bill may produce. Many times I have watched Ricky Long dissect a bill so thoroughly that even the person who submitted the bill would decide that it should be withdrawn. Very few Representatives have this uncanny ability.

Again, to the citizens of Senate District 2, if hard work, common sense and a great amount of compassion mean a lot to you, vote to send Ricky Long to represent you in Augusta!

Bernard L.A. Ayotte
former State Representative 