No friend of the Internet

9 years ago

To the editor:

Have you heard of the Evil I? Not the Evil Eye, which may get you if you feel too proud or cocky. To ward it off, a believer hangs a replica on a car mirror or a keychain.

The Evil I occurred to me as I thought about a man’s hate affair with his computer. There was no love affair, even on good days, but hate there was. And, the hate was projected onto the computer: “It won’t let me online … It won’t take my password … It won’t let me send an email … Now, look, it stole everything I had typed.” He never said that it hated him, but that was a logical conclusion.

Years ago, desktop computers were thrown through windows or smashed with hammers. Now, this man was not violent; he closed the laptop and read a book.

Perhaps he should have destroyed it. The innards of that little laptop are quite as deadly as those of the desktops were, causing such stress on one’s heart and everything else. We cannot measure how much time this Evil I, the Internet, shortens a life. For healthy individuals, maybe only minutes or a couple of hours, but for the heart patient, who knows? Years? Who wants to lose even a few precious moments of life, stolen by an Evil-doer?

Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? The Shadow knows. Who knows what Evil lurks in the Big I? Why, I do.

Byrna Porter Weir
Rochester, N.Y.