Council of Catholic Women

9 years ago

The Houlton Council of Catholic Women held their annual banquet June 6 at Shelley’s Cafe in Market Square.

Following our opening prayers, a lasagna and chicken dinner was served. There were 17 members, Deacon Al Burleigh and our moderator, Father David Raymond, in attendance.

Sue Hardy conducted the business meeting. Recording secretary Tammy Blanchette read the minutes from the April meeting. The treasurer’s report was read by Sue, in the absence of Treasurer Mary Grant. Alta Reardon, correspondence secretary, read the correspondence.

President Hardy asked for volunteers to meet sometime in July to begin preparing for our annual rummage sale.

A request was made for someone to lead the Rosary at Madigan Estates on June 17 and at Gardiner Nursing Home on June 20.

Sue gave an update on the Parish Council meeting. She also asked for members to think of ways to recruit new members to the Women’s Council. There will be further discussion in September.

Birthdays and anniversaries were noted. The seminarian basket was passed.

Prayer requests were received and the meeting closed with prayer.

Our next meeting will be Tuesday, Sept. 6, which will begin with a Mass, followed by a potluck.

All Catholic ladies are invited to attend.