What’s Happening

9 years ago
To submit items, please call 207-532-2281, fax to 207-532-2403, mail to PO Box 456, Houlton, ME 04730,
or email pioneertimes@nepublish.com by 4 p.m. Friday.

Thursday, June 16

HOULTON: Free workshop Essentials of College Planning for adults 19 and over at the Houlton Higher Education Center at 9 a.m. and again at 1 p.m. FMI or to register, call 1 (800) 281-3703 or visit meoc.maine.edu.


Friday, June 17

OAKFIELD: Yard and bake sale by Oakfield Baptist Church youth group, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. rain or shine in the church parking lot. Funds will help send youth to Baptist Park this summer.


Saturday, June 18

LITTLETON: Beef or turkey pot pie supper at the Southern Aroostook Ag Museum. Serving from 4:30-6 p.m.; $9 per person. The museum opens for tours at 1 p.m.

OAKFIELD: Yard and bake sale by Oakfield Baptist Church youth group, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. rain or shine in the church parking lot. Funds will help send youth to Baptist Park this summer.


Sunday, June 19

WESTON: The Selden Baptist Church is now open for the summer. Services are held at 9 a.m. All are welcome.


Tuesday, June 21

LITTLETON: Members of the Houlton High School Class of 1951 will meet at the Pit Stop in Littleton for lunch at 12 noon. All members and spouses are welcome.


Wednesday, June 22

HOULTON: Circle of Women, an informal gathering of artists, creative and entrepreneurial women, will gather to share support and ideas. Preregistration is required. FMI: Nanette Gordon, 420-4822.


Thursday, June 23

HOULTON: Free workshop Essentials of College Planning for adults 19 and over at the Houlton Higher Education Center at 9 a.m. and again at 1 p.m. FMI or to register, call 1 (800) 281-3703 or visit meoc.maine.edu.


Friday, June 24

PATTEN: Local author Tellis Coolong will discuss his second book, “I’m Not Walczyk,” at 7 p.m. at the Lumberman’s Museum. Sponsored by the Patten Area Woman’s Club. All are welcome.


Recurring Events


HOULTON: Northern Lambda Nord social meeting, second Sunday. FMI: Theresa, 694-2639, or Kent, 538-7630.



BRIDGEWATER: Recreation Department Committee meeting, last Monday, Civic Center, 7 p.m.

BRIDGEWATER: Historical Association, first Monday of the month, 7 p.m., BHA hall on Main St. FMI: Jann Votaw, 425-7901.

HOULTON: Fusion Youth Mentoring, free for 10- to 14-year-olds, 4-5:30 p.m., 82 Main St. Homework help, tutoring, Bible lessons, arts and crafts, games and activities. Registration required. Email fusion.racvrj@gmail.com.

HOULTON: Boot Camp Exercise classes, Five Elements Healing Arts Center, 7 p.m. every Monday. All fitness levels welcome. FMI: Renee Nieland, (407) 808-4619 or ReneeNG78@gmail.com.

HOULTON: Karate classes for children and adults, Southside School gym, 7-8:30 p.m. FMI: Steve Shabot, 532-7053.

HOULTON: Caregiver Support Group, Ricker Plaza Community Room, 6 p.m. every third Monday. FMI: Sharon Berz, (800) 439-1789 or 764-3396.

HOULTON: “Breastfeeding, Is it for me?” every third Monday, hospital Education Center; prenatal program 6-7 p.m.; support group 7‚Ä“8 p.m. FMI: Kathy Blanchette, RN, 532-2900, ext. 130.

PATTEN: Bingo at Patten Rec. Dept. Doors open 5 p.m., first number called at 6 p.m. Concessions available.

PATTEN: AA meeting (Living Sober), 12-1 p.m., Stetson Memorial Methodist Church, 7 Houlton St.



HODGDON: AXIS teens, 6-7:30 p.m., United Baptist Church, 846 Calais Rd.

HOULTON: St. Mary’s Food Pantry needs assistance. Open Tuesday and Thursday. Call 532-9122 between 9-10 a.m.

HOULTON: Caregiver Support Group by Aroostook Agency on Aging, at ACAP building, 91 Military St., first Tuesday of each month, 10 a.m.-noon. FMI: Brenda McGillicuddy, 532-7163.

HOULTON: Houlton Cancer Prayer and Support Group, 1:30-2 p.m., Houlton Regional Hospital Education Center, first Tuesday of each month. All patients, survivors, caregivers and other interested persons are welcome. FMI: 532-7553.

HOULTON: TOPS ME-153, Military Street Apartments, 95 Military St., in the dining room. Weigh-in 4-4:45 p.m., meeting 5-6 p.m. FMI: 532-4387 or 532-7255.

HOULTON: Cub Scout Pack 155, 6 p.m., Houlton Elementary School. FMI: Melony Lowery, 694-0238.

HOULTON: Town and Country Senior Citizens, second and fourth Tuesdays of each month, downstairs at Gentle Memorial building. Age 50 and up welcome. FMI: Connie Barry, 532-7556, or Bob Luhrs, 532-4860.

HOULTON: Celebrate Recovery, Military Street Baptist Church, 6 p.m. A Christ-centered 12-step recovery program for anyone with a hurt, habit or hang-up. FMI: 532-2783 or www.cr.houltonmsbc.org.

HOULTON: AA meeting, Unitarian Universalist Church, 7:30-8:30 p.m.

OAKFIELD: Country music jam/dance, Community Center, 6-9 p.m.

SHERMAN: ‘Soupah Tuesdays,’ Washburn Memorial Church, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Lunch served at 11 for a donation. Fellowship, food and fun. FMI: Janice Kelley, 365-4656.

SHERMAN: Food Pantry open on second Tuesday, 9 a.m.-1 p.m.

SHERMAN: Weight Loss Support Group, 12-12:30 p.m., Carmen Curry’s home. FMI: 365-4771.



HODGDON: Northern Maine Woodturners, first Wednesday of each month, 7 p.m., Hodgdon High School shop. All ages and experience levels welcome. FMI: Dee Cote, 521-9010.

HOULTON: Veterans’ Clinic, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. at the hospital.

HOULTON: AA meeting, 1-2 p.m., Church of the Good Shepherd, Watson Hall, Main Street.

HOULTON: Caregiver Support Group, second Wednesday, 2 p.m., Madigan Estates. FMI: Debbie Fitzpatrick, 532-6593.

HOULTON: Madigan Healthcare Alzheimer’s Support Group, every second Wednesday, 2 p.m., assisted living dining room. FMI: Cindy Fournier, 532-6593, option 71.

HOULTON: Story and craft time, Cary Memorial children’s library, 3-4 p.m. every week. Free. FMI: Shelley, 532-1302.

HOULTON: Fusion Youth Mentoring, free for 10- to 14-year-olds, 4-5:30 p.m., 82 Main St. Homework help, tutoring, Bible lessons, arts and crafts, games and activities. Registration required. Email fusion.racvrj@gmail.com.

HOULTON: Overeaters Anonymous, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Wednesdays, Houlton Regional Hospital Education Center, third floor.

HOULTON: Compassionate Friends, second Wednesday, 6:30-7:30 p.m., Center of Community Health Education. FMI: Mary Howland, 532-4863 or Michele Fitzpatrick, 521-7455.

HOULTON: A Place for Us (Al-Anon support group), weekly, 7 p.m., Houlton Regional Hospital. For families of those with addictions; inquiries confidential. FMI: Sue, 532-7836.

ISLAND FALLS: Country music jam, 6-9 p.m., Big Valley Snow Club. Donation at door. Free snacks, 50/50 draw.

LITTLETON: Music every week, 6-9 p.m., Ramblers Clubhouse, Wiley Road. Enjoy and dance.



AROOSTOOK COUNTY: Aroostook Amateur Radio Assoc., second Thursday (except July and August), 6 p.m., NMCC’s Peter Hunt room. HAMS and others interested in amateur radio welcome. FMI: hamradio@K1FS.org or 476-0000.

CARIBOU: National Active and Retired Federal Employees, fourth Thursday, American Legion. Hall opens 11:30 a.m., dinner at noon ($10), program and meeting. Past and present federal employees welcome. FMI: 764-4468.

HOULTON: St. Mary’s Food Pantry needs assistance. Open Tuesday and Thursday. Call 532-9122 between 9-10 a.m.

HOULTON: Houlton High School Class of 1952, second Thursday of each month, 12 noon for lunch. Location varies. FMI: Don Scott, 532-2385.

HOULTON: AA meeting, Watson Hall, Main Street, 1-2 p.m.

HOULTON: Peer Group, first Thursday, 2:30-3:30 p.m,e Career Enhancement Center. FMI: Gayna Cook, 764-1235 or sufunorth@verizon.net, or Karen Crouse, (800) 974-6466 or oranges428@yahoo.com.

HOULTON: New Limerick Knit Group, 6-8 p.m. at Cary Library. All are welcome to join.

HOULTON: Aroostook County Marine Corps League Detachment 1368, second Thursday, 7 p.m., Houlton Elks Lodge. FMI: Berny Reece, 532-4414 or 538-6964.

HOULTON: Rockabema Lodge, weekly, 7:30 p.m., Masonic Hall on Market Square.

HOULTON: Odd Fellows, weekly, 7:30 p.m., Masonic Hall.

ORIENT: Boy Scout meetings, weekly, 6 p.m. at the First Baptist Church.

PATTEN: AA meeting, Patten Methodist Church, 12-1 p.m.

SHERMAN: Music jam, Rec. Dept., 6-9 p.m. Everyone welcome to play and sing. Donations accepted at the door. FMI: Peggy, 365-4307, or the Rec., 365-4270.



HOULTON: PFLAG Houlton, for anyone with a lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender loved one, every last Friday, 6:30 p.m., CCHE, Houlton Regional Hospital. FMI: 532-0670 or pflaghoulton@gmail.com.

HOULTON: TOPS ME-0233 meetings. FMI: Betty Ivey, 532-9653.

HOULTON: AA meeting, Aroostook County Jail, for inmates.

HOULTON: Narcotics Anonymous, 7 p.m., Houlton Regional Hospital Center for Community Education, “Corky’s Room.”



HOULTON: Overeaters Anonymous, 10-11 a.m. each Saturday, White House, 106 1/2 Main St.

HOULTON: Class of 1956 of Houlton High School, every last Saturday, Elm Tree Diner, 12 noon.

HOULTON: AA meeting, 12-1 p.m. (OD), Church of the Good Shepherd, Watson Hall, Main Street.

LITTLETON: Regular meetings first and third Saturdays, Southern Aroostook Agricultural Museum,t 9 a.m. FMI: 538-9300.

MARS HILL: Bingo night, William Cousins Post 118 American Legion, every Saturday, 6 p.m. Cash prizes; concessions available.

PATTEN: AA (BBOD), 7-8 p.m., Stetson Memorial Methodist Church, corner of Rts. 11 and 159.

SHERMAN: Molunkus Valley Sno-Drifters club, 58 North St., first Saturday. New members welcome; family-oriented. FMI: Deb, 267-1200, or visit molunkusvalley@yahoo.com.



AROOSTOOK COUNTY: Road to Recovery, American Cancer Society, needs volunteers to drive cancer patients to their doctor’s appointments. FMI:1-800-227-2345.

AROOSTOOK COUNTY: Support groups for Survivors of Domestic Abuse and Violence. FMI, location and to sign up, call Hope and Justice Project, 1 (800) 439-2323.

HOULTON: Today’s good news, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, 10 a.m., corner of Pleasant Street and Highland Ave. Parking at Pleasant St. entrance.

HOULTON: Visions/SACAP seeks new artists to to sell their work in the store. Sales support the artists; store commission aids/and cultural programming in southern Aroostook County. All work must be juried. FMI: 532-9119.