PI Elks to host picnic in park

9 years ago

PI Elks to host picnic in park

July 4 tradition continues

PRESQUE ISLE, Maine The Presque Isle Elks will host their annual free community celebration at Presque Isle’s Riverside Park on Independence Day, Monday, July 4, 2016.

“The Presque Isle Elks Lodge 1954, are proud to host this July 4th community celebration for the 11th consecutive year,” said Elks Exalted Ruler Marion Donahue. “The Elks’ July 4th Riverside Park picnic has now become a tradition to which the residents of the Presque Isle area look forward with great anticipation. Members of the Elks also look forward to putting on this event for the community.”
Special recognition will be given to all active and retired military personnel as an expression of the Elks’ gratitude for their service, Donahue said.
Starting at 11 a.m. on July 4, Elks will tend the grills, serving hot dogs and hamburgers to the public, free of charge, along with soft drinks, a variety of chips, watermelon, cotton candy, popcorn and shaved ice.
For young people, there will be games and contests with prizes for all contestants. Bounce houses will also return to the park for children under age 12.
Adults will be entertained by numerous local musicians. Wendell Hudson, formerly of the “Mustangs,” Nelson Michaud from “Centerline”, James “Sheldon” Wright, Leland Clark, Simon Clair and many others will play at the park’s gazebo.
A bright and refurbished dunking booth will be at Riverside Park to afford picnic-goers an opportunity to test their throwing skills against the jests of the person seeking to avoid being dropped into the chilly waters.
The ever-popular car show will take place along Riverside Drive, with registration starting at 10 a.m. Registration is free and all participating car owners will receive a commemorative gift. Trophies will go to the winning vehicles in the various classes, including muscle cars, antique cars, pickups, classic cars and cars of special interest, as well as for people’s choice and best in show.
“As with other community events sponsored by the Elks, such as the Mantle Lake fishing derby, the Balloonfest Street Fair, Veterans’ Day Stew Night and the Elks Family Christmas Dinner, a lot of work goes into the July 4th picnic,” Donahue said. “Those efforts, however, are rewarded by the knowledge that our community is so greatly enriched by each of these public events.”