On June 18, 2016, John Stevens, Marion Hoar, Riva Hawkes and Barbara Pelletier, were volunteers at the Upper Room in Sherman opening the doors at 10 a.m. also taking in many more bags of new and used clothing to be put on display during the hours that the store is open. The business was slow at first but picked up a bit as the day wore on.
Also on June 18, the Island Falls VFW No. 7529 held its monthly public supper, serving from 5 p.m. until 7 p.m. Chef Gray Hawk, assisted by Cathy and Lisabette and volunteers, served a great supper of roast beef and pork, along with assorted vegetables and, of course, good homemade desserts, tea and coffee. Many enjoyed this great meal and always look forward to the next, especially the during the coming Summerfest, when they serve barbecued chicken to the many who are here having fun during the Summerfest.
Guess my feathered friends have at last deserted me as, when the weather got a bit warmer I didn’t put out many sunflower seeds as they were used to.
Now it is cooler again so I put out a few seeds the other day and to my delight, the little lone chipmunk arrived to have a feast, all by himself, with no birds flitting here and there to bother him. Hope putting out the seeds will bring back some of the chickadees, swallows and finches and perhaps, the cardinals.
Am keeping my fingers crossed on the seeing the gray squirrels and the red one, too. Hope it won’t bring them back to the feeders! Still no deer but am keeping the grass mowed and keep looking for any signs of them.
Have gone back to my swimming at Vacationland Estates, and it was great to see old friends from last year. Some have returned from their winter homes and others, like me, who just gave up driving much during the winter.