Happy Losers

Shirley Sides, Special to The County
9 years ago

On June 29, 2016 the last Wednesday of the month, The Happy Losers held the weekly meeting. The leader, Jackie Pratt opened the meeting welcoming the members followed by the pledge and roll call.

Ten members weighed in and attended the meeting. Lois Green was loser of the week, and Linda Banks was runner-up. Great job, ladies.

Reports for the week were given by the secretary and treasurer.

The leader led the program for the week, pertaining to our memory. Eating nuts, like walnuts, helps with your cholesterol. and all nuts keep you lean. Joan Sides had a program a few weeks ago, so the leader wanted to know how our memory was.

Linda Banks was the loser of the months of May and June. Great job, Linda.

The group meets every Wednesday at the United Baptist Church vestry in Island Falls. Weigh-in is from 8-8:30 a.m. and the meeting starts at 8:30.