Mapleton LL baseball final this Thursday

8 years ago

Mapleton LL baseball final this Thursday

The championship game in the Mapleton Little League is scheduled for Thursday at 6 p.m.

In semifinal games played earlier this week, No. 1 Mapleton Lions, with an 8-4 record, took on No. 4 Doyen’s (4-8), while No. 2 Buck Farms (7-5) squared off against No. 3 Buck Construction (5-7).
Jacob Graham, director of the recreation department for the towns of Mapleton, Chapman and Castle Hill, said it has been a competitive summer of baseball.
“After a real one sided league last year, we worked hard to ensure that our teams were evened out as well as possible in order to ensure that all of our players had a chance to really learn the game of baseball and have fun doing it,” Graham said. “There was no guarantee going into any of our games. Each night it all depended on who was on their A-game and wanted it more.”
On Thursday, Graham said the Mapleton Lions Club will provide hot dogs, chips and a drink as part of a free family barbecue beginning at 5:30 p.m. Families attending should bring a dish to share as well as their own paper plates and plastic utensils. Awards will be given out to all of the players, as well as all of the daytime rec participants. Those who attend are asked to bring a dish to share, as well as their own paper plates and plasticware.