Garden tour to help end hunger

8 years ago

Garden tour to help end hunger

To the editor:
The Garden Tour that was held on August 6 with the proceeds going to GIFT (Grace Interfaith Food Table) was a huge success thanks to the many gardeners that opened their gardens for this occasion.

This was my first attempt organizing such an event but I had lots of pointers from experienced people like Roberta Griffiths and Donna Keegan.
The threat of rain and thundershowers were in the forecast but we were fortunate that the rain held off until the tour was almost over. Thanks to the following gardeners, without you this tour would not have been possible: Roberta Griffiths, Anne Hemphill, Suzanne Hews, Terri Kilcollins, Donna Keegan and Tammy Walton. Also a big thank you to Goin’ Postal and Debra Ames.
I hope everyone that took the tour was pleased with what they saw. We at GIFT appreciate all the this community does for those that need it the most.

Charlene Buzza,
director of volunteers