Pets deserve special attention

8 years ago

Pets deserve special attention

To the editor:
Last Friday, as I came out of a doctor’s office at TAMC, I heard a dog barking in the vehicle in front of mine.

The dog was jumping up and down anxiously. Although the vehicle and air conditioner were running, and the temperature outside was 86 degrees with high humidity, the windows were down. The sun beating down on the roof and inside raised the temperature even higher inside. An employee in the parking lot said that goes on every day with the owner.
According to the police department and the Humane Society, as long as windows are down and the dog has water and food and is not under stress, it’s fine. No, it’s not fine. When a dog is barking and jumping up and down, it is under stress. What about when it’s lightning and thundering? My dog is a nervous wreck. Why anybody would bring a dog to work and leave it all day in a car is crazy.
Please leave your pets at home and not in your vehicle when you are at work or shopping. Have a little empathy and compassion for the animals.

Glenda Bell
Mars Hill