Island Falls Seniors

8 years ago

With good food, great fellowship and Bingo in mind, the group met on Aug. 18 with 16 members present.

After a plentiful meal of a variety of salads and desserts, the business meeting was opened by president, Rich Camire. The secretary’s and treasurer’s reports were adopted into the records, as were amendments to the bylaws.

After adjournment, the group played bingo with Glady Corneal as the big winner of the day.

Members present were Jeanne Clements, Ellie Peck, Rich Camire, Louise Butcher, Glady Corneal, Donna Baker, Verna Bone, Mary Pipes, Edith Dwyer, Gloria Noyes, Mary Lawler, Paige Coville, Darrell and Sherry Hartin, Terry Dwyer and Ursula Levesque.

The next meeting will fall on Sept. 1, and members will play the “bag game.” An invitation is always extended to visitors or new members.