Woodlot management is online topic

8 years ago

Woodlot management is online topic

AUGUSTA, Maine Farmers and woodland owners can benefit if they recognize the potential values of their woodland resource, are familiar with common ways a woodland can add value, and can identify how the woodland will support their interests.

The Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry and the Maine Forestry Service will offer an online course on Woodlot Management: Assessing the Potential. The course begins Sept. 27 and runs until Nov. 1, 2016 with webinars each Tuesday evening from 6-7:30 p.m.
Participants will learn methods to assess forest resources, and discuss common woodland activities such as cutting firewood, harvesting logs for mushroom cultivation, assessing trees for timber potential, and other activities that encourage forest health while creating economic potential in the woods.
The course is designed for farmers and landowners who own woodlands, or have woodlands on their farm or in the family and can manage those woods. Prior experience with woods management is not necessary, and those who have managed their woods may learn of new opportunities.
After completion, participants will be able to: make informed decisions, knowing what actions the owner can pursue and what activity they should contract through a forester; describe the type, quality and potential of their woodlands; know how the woodland corresponds to their interests and needs for wood products; list available resources; and be able to select trees that can be grown for a future crop and remove trees useful for firewood.
Class members complete the class largely on their own time, with discussions, readings and assignments in MOODLE, a virtual classroom. To add to the experience, webinars will allow the group to meet weekly to learn from presenters and ask questions in real time.
The instructor will be Peter Smallidge, New York state Extension forester. Weekly topics include: Overview and tree identification; forest ecology; woodlot thinning; maple production and firewood harvesting; silvopasture and mushrooms; and ownership objectives.
The fee for this course is $250. For information visit www.maine.gov/dacf. To register online visit www.nebeginningfarmers.org/online-courses/all-courses/farm-woodlot-management-bf-150/.