Fort Fairfield rec news

8 years ago

Fort Fairfield rec news

Pee wee and youth soccer

The pee wee program if for boys and girls entering grades 2 and 3 this fall and the youth program if for boys and girls enter grades 4-6.

The pee wees will meet for the first time Sept. 1 from 3-4:15 p.m. on the small soccer field located in front of the elementary school and meets Tuesdays and Thursdays, while the youth program kicks off today from 3-4:30 p.m. and takes place Mondays and Wednesdays. Participants should meet at the school cafeteria after school before proceeding to the field.
Shin guards, proper footwear, appropriate clothing for the weather are required and mouthguards are optional.
Parents are responsible for arranging transportation at the end of each session.
There are no fees. Registration forms are available online, at the school or at the town office. Call 472-3882 for more information.
Volunteers are welcome to assist with either program.
Regarding the youth program, a league may be set up depending upon the number of participants. Also, there is an opportunity for participants to play on the grades 4-6 travel team which practices Friday afternoons from 3-4:30 p.m. and competes in round-robin tournaments, beginning Sept. 10, 2016 in Van Buren.

Fall foliage luncheon

There will be a fall foliage luncheon excursion to the Lakeview Restaurant in St. Agatha on Thursday, Oct. 6 for all senior citizens and their guests. The tour bus will depart from the Knights of Columbus Hall in Fort Fairfield at 10 a.m. and will return at approximately 2:30 p.m. There is no charge for the bus transportation but all participants are responsible for the cost of their own lunch. Pre-registration is required for all participants. To register, please contact Gerald at 472-4001.

Goughan Farm Adventure

On Tuesday, Oct. 4, the parks and recreation department is conducting a field trip to the Goughan Farm for a fun day of activity and adventure. The trip includes transportation to and from the farm, a group hay ride, exploration of the corn maze, homemade ice cream and a take-home pumpkin, all for just $6 per person. For an additional $2.50, participants can play nine holes of mini golf, or for an extra $5 participants can play the entire 18-hole course before leaving the farm, or play nine holes for $2.50.
The bus will depart from the community center at noon and return at approximately 3:30 p.m. Participants must be at least 10 years of age or be accompanied by a responsible chaperone.

Co-ed volleyball

Co-ed volleyball for ages 16 and over will be held at the Fort Fairfield Community Center on Sunday evenings from 6-8 p.m. beginning Oct. 30 and continuing through the end of April 2016. The program is informal with teams being selected each night from all those in attendance. There is no charge to participate so be sure to thank Rob for volunteering his time again this year to run the program.

Indoor walking/exercise

The community center gymnasium is open to the public for walking/exercise Monday through Friday from 6 a.m.-noon, except for holidays. The hours are subject to change and will be posted accordingly. There is no charge to use the facility for this activity.

Adult basketball

The community center will be open for adult basketball on Monday and Thursday evenings from 6:30-8:30 p.m. starting on Thursday, Oct. 27. Play is informal with teams being selected each night from all those in attendance. The cost is $2 each night. If there is sufficient interest amongst all players, a league will be organized and have scheduled play for each team.

Open gymnasium

The community center will be open for after school free play basketball beginning on Monday, Oct. 24. The hours will be: Monday-Friday from 2:45-5 p.m.; Friday and Saturday evenings from 6-8:30 p.m.; and Saturday and Sunday afternoons from 1-4 p.m. There will be no open gym when varsity boys’ or girls’ basketball games are scheduled at the same time. All participants are reminded that street sneakers and shoes are not allowed on the gym floor. These hours are subject to change once the school and recreation basketball seasons begin in November.

Swimming pool closed

The Fort Fairfield Municipal Swimming Pool is officially closed as of Aug. 24. A big thank-you to the pool staff for teaching lessons to more than 140 youngsters while also monitoring the pool for free swimming for over 40 hours a week during the 10 weeks it was open this summer.

New programs or activities

If you have an idea or an interest in a new program or activity that is not already available in the community, please contact the parks and recreation department to discuss the possibility.

Uniform return

The parks and recreation department is still missing several uniforms that have not yet been returned by participants from programs and activities offered this past year. Please return them to the town office or to the rec office at the community center.