Industrial Council hires Powers

8 years ago

Construction expert Tom Powers will soon be taking the helm of the Presque Isle Industrial Council, an economic development arm of the city government.

Succeeding the retiring Larry Clark, who has led the council for 48 years, Powers will become executive director on Oct. 1, 2016. Powers has been working alongside Clark to transition into the job, and Clark will officially end his role on Sept. 30.
Powers, who is originally from Presque Isle, said he “has a wealth of knowledge to glean” from Clark and that he’s looking forward to putting his own construction know-how to practical use in the building and property work done by the Industrial Council.
Powers spent the last five years as facilities manager for the Central Aroostook Association, overseeing planning and maintenance for 10 buildings at the nonprofit, which serves individuals with developmental disabilities. Powers also spent 15 years as a vocational manager at Loring Job Corps and before that 13 years with Caribou-based Cyr Construction.
He is now hitting the ground running, immersing himself in economic development and the varied work of the Presque Isle Industrial Council, which manages the Skyway Industrial Park and other city-owned properties.