It was another great weekend at the golf course. On Saturday, the HGC hosted the Ryan Wright/Elks Scramble. Many teams participated and a good time was had by all.
On Sunday, the HGC hosted the Mars Hill Country Club in the second half of the two-day Ryder Cup type competition. Mars Hill put HGC under the gun substantially on Saturday at their course, and our golfers were not able to overcome the lead they had established. Mars Hill wins this year. Thanks to everyone who played and made it an enjoyable event.
Also on Sunday afternoon, the Cross Country Scramble was held in support of Greg Palmer. Many teams played with homemade pies being the prizes. Winners were Harriet and Bob Gray, and Martha and Mike Fasulo, Luanne, Kevin, Kody, and Ben Tuttle, and Cathy and Wayne Belyea and Sandy and Dave Adams, all three teams shooting 4-under. After play dinner was served by Bill and Nancy from the Lakeside Restaurant.
Speaking of the restaurant, they have begun their harvest menu. Come on out and enjoy a delicious meal. Friday night they will be featuring the sounds of Paul LaPointe to entertain you. Call for reservations, 694-9494.
Coming up soon will be the Grounds Keepers Revenge tournament on October 1. It’s not your traditional game, but we always have a lot of fun. Sign up sheet is in the clubhouse. One night golf tournament is in the works soon. Watch for info in your email.