Campaign raises funds for local teen
By Amy Sawyer
Reed Plummer, the 13-year-old son of Trina Farley, is battling brain cancer for the second time. Longtime family friend Sherri Clark has created a GoFundMe campaign to help raise money for travel expenses, medical expenses and accumulating bills.
Plummer has undergone surgery and started chemotherapy treatments in Boston. His extensive treatment will require lengthy stays in both Portland and Boston.
To support this campaign, go to
Clark is also raffling two baskets valued at over $200 each. Every dollar raised goes directly to Plummer and family. Raffle tickets are $1 each or 6 for $5. Tickets can be purchased at Country Farms Market or Washburn Trailside.
The baskets contain items ranging from a handmade quilt, home decor, merchandise and gift cards from local businesses, all donated by companies and individuals.
Warm Welcome
Thursday, Sept. 15, was Ryker McManus’ first day of second grade. He had missed the start of school due to a life-threatening injury that occurred over the summer. Washburn District Elementary School outdid themselves to show him they care and how much he was missed.
The entire school formed a receiving line outside, where he was welcomed by students and teachers wearing his special T-shirt, waving handmade signs and cheering him on. McManus had waited four long weeks for that morning to arrive, and the school helped make it perfect.
Washburn Area PTO
On Friday, Oct. 21, there will be a spaghetti supper held at the Washburn Trailrunners Clubhouse from 5-7 p.m. All proceeds will go to Reed Plummer to help cover medical costs as he is undergoing cancer treatment for the second time. The cost is $7 for adults, $4 for kids under 12, and a family rate of $20 for four or more.
Meals will include spaghetti, rolls, green salad, dessert and a drink. Coffee and water will be provided. To help or donate, call Angela Farley at 455-8048.
The next PTO meeting will be held on Oct. 13 at the Rec Center at 6:30.
United Methodist Church
The United Methodist Women’s Group will hold a bazaar on Saturday, Nov. 5, from 9 a.m.-12 noon at the church.
A workshop will be held Wednesday, Sept. 28, at 9. Anyone with items is encouraged to attend. The next meeting will be held on Oct. 8 at 12.
Washburn Memorial Library
The Washburn Memorial Library hours are Monday, 1-7 p.m., and Tuesday through Friday, 11 a.m.-4:30 p.m. The Girl Scouts meet each Friday afternoon (when school is in session) at 3 p.m. downstairs in the King Room.
The library would like to add to its collection of family history, and asks interested folks to forward a copy of their family history or allow the library to photocopy it. For more information, contact Lois Walton at 455-4814.
Those celebrating birthdays between Sept. 28 and Oct. 4 include: Lucky Bragg, Ivan Corey, Rob Ottaviano, James Cray, Barbara McLaughlin, Wallace Doody, John Dow, Pat Laferriere, Heather Umphrey, Noah Farley, Pam Haley, Becky Doody, Russell Scott, Mindy Aube, Melissa Cronin, Pat Baker, Janet Doak, Cameron Huston, Kyle Huston, Kevin Thibodeau, Tyler Farley, Wayne Churchill, Cherri Fitzpatrick, Gary Hewitt, Mikayla Churchill, Mariena Bragg, Dara Legassie, Floyd Hafford, Andy White Jr. and Margaret Barker.
Amy Sawyer is the correspondent for Perham, Wade and Washburn. She can be reached by calling 227-8679 or by e-mailing