UMPI offers AMA certificate courses

8 years ago

UMPI offers AMA certificate courses

PRESQUE ISLE, Maine The University of Maine at Presque Isle’s Employer U program, which focuses on providing workforce development opportunities for the region, will offer three six-week courses this fall as part of its American Management Association’s University certificate program.

Each 20-hour course will be offered in the newly opened MMG Center for Professional Development, located on the first floor of Kelley Commons, adjacent to the Campus Center.
The course “Delivering Knock Your Socks Off Service” began Oct. 11 and meets Tuesdays through Nov. 15 from 5-8:15 p.m. Participants will learn practical skills needed to deliver exceptional internal and external customer service in the modern workplace. This course is taught by Kim Jones, Director of Employee U. Participants will earn 2 CEUs for this course, which is required for the Customer Satisfaction certificate and an elective for other certificates.
“Becoming a Manager” runs Wednesdays from Oct. 12 through Nov. 16 from 5 to 8:15 p.m. This course will include building successful partnerships between employees and management, honing persuasion skills, managing time and challenges, and cultivating problem solving skills. The instructor is Tim McMahon, senior management and leadership veteran. Participants will earn 2 CEUs for this course, which is required for the General Management certificate and an elective for other certificates.
The third course, called “Fair, Square, and Legal: A Manager’s Guide to Safe Hiring,” meets Mondays from Oct. 17-Nov. 21 from 5 to 8:15 p.m. Topics include documentation, compliance, identifying potential employment law violations before they occur, handling employee dismissals, and conducting safe hiring interviews and performance reviews. Doug Hise, senior human resource business partner with the University of Maine System will, instruct the course. Participants will earn 2 CEUs for this course, which is required for the Human Resources certificate and an elective for other certificates.
“Organizations worldwide, including the majority of the Fortune 500, turn to American Management Association certification programs as their trusted source for professional development,” Jones said. “We’re very pleased to be able to offer the AMA’s University certificate program here, and we’re also excited to be adding a new Customer Satisfaction certification, in direct response to a request from area employers who understand the value of delivering exceptional customer service.”
Each six-week course is $300 per person and meets once a week. Tuition includes textbook, instruction and all materials. Payment is due by the first class unless other arrangements are made beforehand with UMPI’s Director of Employer U.
To register, visit, or contact Jones at or 768-9459.