To the editor:
Clowns ought to be aware that Maine’s defense of self and home are quite liberal. My understanding is (though the statute is pretty wide in definition and my understanding is weak) that the statute allows lethal force in defending (again not clearly defined, e.g. defending against what?) one’s home including the surrounding property.
I would suggest that you investigate with real lawyers and clowns to inform all that these clowns are in mortal danger whether justified by a real threat or that the clown thinks that it is just a prank. A perceived threat on the part of the homeowner may result in lethal defense.
I read a story some time ago about a boyfriend of the homeowner’s daughter jumping out of the hedge as a prank. He was lethally shot by the father. The shooting was justified by that state’s law (Sorry. I do not have more details.)
This is serious from the terrorizing of citizens to the harm that may befall stupid perpetrators.
Please, do your part.