Catholic Women

8 years ago

The Houlton Council of Catholic Women met Oct. 3 for their monthly meeting. President Sue Hardy called the meeting to order.

Members recited opening prayers. Vice President Jane Stile read the minutes from the September meeting. Treasurer Mary Grant gave her report.

Corresponding Secretary Alta Reardon read a thank-you letter from Faith Formation for the donation to buy flowers for Confirmation and First Communion. Janet Barker gave an update on the rummage sale, which was to be held Oct. 6, 7 and 8.

The Bylaws Committee needs volunteers. Charlene Tabb was sworn in as our new Recording Secretary due to the resignation of Tammy Blanchette.

The group was shown an AED, which was received through a grant. The council voted to purchase a second AED in conjunction with the Knights of Columbus; there will be one for each level of the church.

Jane Stile reported on donations received to purchase items to benefit the food pantry at Christmastime. Sue Hardy reported on the Parish Council meeting. Jane Stile brought several delicious desserts for members to enjoy. Prayer requests were collected and members recited prayers for those in need. Birthdays and anniversaries were noted. Bunny Tidd won the door prize.

The next meeting will be Nov. 7 at 6 p.m. An Animal Shelter shower will be held and members should bring items for the local animal shelters.

All Catholic ladies are invited to attend.