Vote your conscience

8 years ago

To the editor:

For those of you who don’t see a presidential candidate that represents your values for America, one who is without hatred or anger or power hungry, then consider voting for the independent candidate Evan McMullin and his running mate Mindy Finn. They still remember what our Founding Fathers wanted for this country: pro-life, pro-2nd Amendment, for state’s rights and a strong national defense.

They know that the highest office of the land is for being a servant of the people, to maintain humility before Divine Providence, and for defending the U.S. Constitution, the way it was intended to be.

Vote for Evan McMillin/Mindy Finn. In the State of Maine, you can write in their names. But don’t take my word for it, do your own homework and do your research.

As for me, I’m voting my ‘conscience’ and refusing to be forced to vote for candidates who do not represent my values. Being forced to do so, out of fear or out of the ‘lesser of two evils’ type of rhetoric is unacceptable to me.

If Trump or Clinton wins, then whoever voted for them is to blame. I will vote for my candidate, even if he loses.

Anita Louise