Trump wins by landslide in mock election

8 years ago
     CARIBOU, Maine — Presidential hopeful Donald Trump received more than twice as many votes as Hillary Clinton during Caribou High School’s mock election, held on Tuesday Oct. 25.

     Organized by CHS students Zach Whitten and Casey Dobson, the mock elections are held to simulate the voting process and also to estimate how the city will vote in the official election.

     Out of 410 students, a total of 252 voted in the mock election.

     For 2nd district representation in the U.S. House of Representatives, 155 students voted for incumbent Bruce Poliquin, a Republican, while 96 voted for Democrat Emily Cain.

     While votes for the six referendum questions were far more narrow than the general election results, all passed with a “Yes.” These questions include legalizing recreational use of marijuana, closing the gun sale loophole, raising the minimum wage, and allowing ranked-choice voting.