To the editor:
The community is getting together to help out a young man Chris Swallow who was recently hurt in a tractor accident in Hodgdon. He has been from Houlton Regional Hospital to EMMC for surgery then to TAMC for rehab. He has many more visits with followups and more rehab. His wife (who at the time was also home recovering from lung surgery) and his two young girls are by his side daily.
With that being said we have decided to come together for a Benefit Supper and Auction which is going to be held on Sunday, November 27th at the Linneus Sno-Sports in Linneus at 4 p.m. We are asking if anyone would like to donate to either the supper or the auction.
The supper menu will include spaghetti, breads, salads, drinks and desserts.
Thank you for your time. If you have any questions you can call me at 538-6017 or Mandy Swallow at 694-4040. Thank you again.