To the editor:
As a Maine taxpayer, avid sports fan, and alumni of the university system I was extremely insulted that our men’s basketball team would feel the need to make an extremely radical political statement at the away game at Duke University last week.
Unless I missed it, UMaine’s teams still represent the people of Maine who pay a good portion of the salaries of the athletic staff and coaches.
As you know, the citizens of North Carolina, through their representatives, recently decided to protect the privacy of their citizens, especially their youngest citizens, by pushing back against the radical LGBT agenda which had threatened to expose young children to adults of the opposite sex in the public bathrooms of the Tar Heel State.
This is not about “inclusion” as the TV announcers so errantly represented the Black Bear men’s basketball warm-up T-shirts to be about, but rather about forcing the agenda of a tiny, tiny minority of individuals down the throats of the vast majority of people of traditional morality.
Is there nothing the university will not support in the name of bogus “inclusion” (which excludes the vast majority of decent family-oriented Mainers)? Why did our men’s basketball team feel the need to lecture the people of North Carolina — with whom they have no direct connections of any kind — on what is right and best for their children and their public morality?
I’ve had enough of these public displays of extreme left-wing bias in our university system, and as a victim of such bias in the past, I am calling for true inclusion — an inclusiveness that respects 6,000 years of human tradition with regard to morality and the proper nurturing of children — and inclusiveness which also respects people of the Christian faith. I guarantee most Mainers agree with me, and not with the PC-professors and others in leadership positions at UMO.
I expect an explanation as to exactly how this unnecessary display of hatred towards the families of Maine and North Carolina came about at the earliest possible moment, and I fully expect someone to be held accountable, and for this type of thing to be prevented from ever happening again at our publicly-funded university system.