Maine Epsilon Master chapter of Beta Sigma Phi met on Nov. 17 in Presque Isle at the home of Tammy Walton.
The business meeting was conducted by president Sue Lougee. Members voted to donate to the Sister Mary O’Donnell Homeless Shelter, Martha and Mary’s Food Pantry and the Kiwanis Community Christmas Basket project.
Ellen Helstrom won the 50-50 raffle.
Honey Higgins shared details about her recent trip with her son, Kent, to the Panama Canal. She shared the photo album her son made for her and described how the cruise ship went through the canal. The ship also stopped at other ports in Central America and Mexico before returning to San Diego.
Refreshments were served by Bonnie Cowett, Peggy Erwin and Judy Kenny.
The next meeting will be held at the home of Dolores Hutchins on Thursday, Dec. 15, at 6 p.m. Members should bring a gift for the Yankee swap.