Making spirits bright
The Presque Isle Kiwanis Club held its annual Christmas basket event Saturday, Dec. 17, at the Sargent Family Community Center.
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Parents who had applied earlier were able to select two gifts and a pair of mittens for each of their children, and also received food vouchers. Sen. Angus King traveled to the Star City to participate in the event, which featured baking by Alan Harding and live Christmas music. From left are, front row, Kiwanians and helpers: Rose Louten, Jake Beaulieu, Jillian Ouellette, Julia Ouellette, Raquelle Sterris, Diane Green and Dawn Poitras, co-chair. Back row, co-chair John Graves (in his 30th year of doing the project), Sherry Locke, Kathie Beaulieu, Heidi Rackliffe, Kiwanis Lt. Gov. Sue Watson, co-chair Carla Cambridge, Jessica Ouellette, Julie Plummer, George Watson, club President Penny McHatten, and A.J. Cloukey.