The Houlton Council of Catholic Women met in the Parish Center on Dec. 5. There were 13 members and moderator, Father Dave, present.
Following the opening prayers and hymn, the group enjoyed a potluck supper.
Vice President Jane Stile read the minutes of the November meeting. Treasurer Mary Grant gave the treasurer’s report. Alta Reardon, corresponding secretary, read a thank you note from the Houlton Animal Shelter for the donation they received from the council.
The wreath raffle was once again a success. The winner, Frazer MacDonald, graciously donated the wreath back to the Council and asked that the $50 be donated to the seminarian fund.
Donations were given to the Salvation Army and the Catholic Charities emergency fund.
December birthdays were noted and prayer intentions were gathered. The meeting adjourned and the Christmas party and Yankee swap followed.