Report details development ideas

8 years ago
By Joseph Cyr
Staff Writer
PT NE ECONOMIC 2 17 19471656Pioneer Times photo/Joseph Cyr
The town of Houlton recently had a booklet created to give residents a better understanding of what each economic development agency for the town. Members of the committee in charge of creating the document include, front from left, Kent Good, Rosa McNally and Jon Gulliver; and back, Town Manager Butch Asselin, Josh McLaughlin and Brent Dickison.  

HOULTON — How many economic development groups are looking out for the town and just what exactly are their function?

That was a question one member of the Houlton Town Council found herself asking, along with many other residents over the years. Councilor Rosa McNally took it upon herself to see an Economic Development Resources report drafted for the town.

Houlton may be unique in that it has multiple groups designed to explore economic and commercial growth in the community with the Greater Houlton Chamber of Commerce, Southern Aroostook Development Corporation, Northern Maine Development Commission and the town’s own community development department.

However, each year during the budget process, questions seem to arise over why money is given to so many different agencies, which on the surface, all appear to be doing the same thing.

“Having served on the Board of Budget Review and currently a town councilor, I have noticed a recurring set of questions posed [to the town],” explained McNally. “I realized every time the budget comes before the council, there are a lot of similar questions year after year asking about duplication of services and why does the town give money to each organization.”

So McNally organized a committee, with representatives from each group, to review the highlights of each agency. Those findings were organized into a slick, color binder put together by NMDC highlighting each economic group. Copies of the report are available for review at the Houlton Town Office on 21 Water St., Houlton.

“It’s important for a community to know how their economic development dollars are spent,” said Jon Gulliver, director of investor and community relations for NMDC. “There are not a lot of duplication of services here. All of these organizations have an important role to play in growing the economy of Houlton and southern Aroostook County.”

One of the more eye-opening revelations of the report, according to the committee, was just how small a percent of the overall municipal budget is set aside for economic development. According to the report, a total of $110,261 (1.04 percent) was spent on economic development in 2016 out of a $10,638,735 municipal budget.

Gulliver said that percentage was “probably on par” with what other communities in Aroostook County spend.

Houlton allocated $28,000 to SADC; $24,000 to the Chamber of Commerce; $10,392 to NMDC; and spent $47,869 on its economic development department in the town office.

“I truly think we are getting a wonderful return on our investment,” McNally said. “These organizations have so many volunteers, who help sustain these agencies.”